Promote your Community

Promote your community, nonprofit organization, or your corporate sustainability activities.

I created as I love learning about community activities across the world and am also passionate about corporate sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. I will be reaching out to community builders, volunteers, nonprofit organizations, and also corporates involved in social responsibility to feature their interviews.

Promote online community

My intention is to spread the word about people involved in building communities, contributing to the creators’ economy, and also adding value to nonprofits.

Here are the interview questions you could answer by email. Apart from this, I shall frame a few questions specific to your community.

1.Tell us about your community/Nonprofit organization.

2.Who’s behind the community and where is it based?

3.What activities do you carry out through the community?

4.Could you please share a few accomplishments the community/nonprofit has achieved?

5.What is your current focus?

6. How can people contribute to the community?

Please send along with appropriate photographs of founders or team members. You could also share field work photographs.

Write to me
